The Coalition joins the Vote Down 4 & 8 statewide campaign

Marriage Equality Meeting 8/27/08

-Chris from Equality for All
-Ashley from Vote Down Prop 4 and 8 (Prop 4 mandate parental notification prior to a minor terminating a pregnancy).

Next Up:
1) WE NEED DORM CAPTAINS!! Every Undergrad should sign up to be a dorm captain and get 8 friends to sign up as dorm captains. Email Back if you and/or your friends can captain, and for what dorms.
2) Grad Students contact allied groups/department for captains
3) Next Meeting Tuesday September 9th, 7:30PM!! Firetruck House
4) Grad student phonebanking event Before school starts:
Advertise through marriage_equality, gradq
First Voter ID/Volunteer Recruitment
Saturday the 13th 11AM-2PM
Location TBA: Terra, Old Union?

5) Send out information about the Equality for All Events
Equality for All Kickoff in the Castro Saturday September 6th
Mountain View clipboarding event Sunday September 7th
Joint campaign: Vote Down 4 and 8
Dorm competitions for phonebanking
Plan three phonebanking events?
Contact faculty/staff on-campus to see if they're interested in getting involved

Discussed using Youtube videos?

Should attend the first Stanford Dems meeting and recruit volunteers

Voter registration should take place at least 3 weeks before Nov. 4th. The earlier, the better

Put more of the voter registration responsibility on Stanford Dems, so that we can focus on volunteer recruitment

Representation at the Activities Fair:

Have information and a representative available at QVSO and other student groups' tables.
Need to contact these groups ASAP
Don't need to have our own table if we're being represented in multiple groups/tables

Get Stanford Students for Choice----joint campaign

Back to Back meetings for Prop 4 and Prop 8 people
Contact women's groups, SHPRC, Students for Choice, etc

-Need to come up with date/time for our first Open Call Meeting when school starts
-Timeline for phonebank events
-Ashley will find a way to get us buttons

Join Stanford's Marriage Equality Campaign!

As we all know, the issue of marriage equality in California is at STAKE this fall. This is going to be the biggest thing ever, and a fantastic opportunity for us to make history. November 4th is coming up REAL fast, so if we want a unified on-campus effort to save same-sex marriage in California by the time school starts, we have to start NOW.

Meetings have already taken place this summer, and there are more meetings to come.

Much of the groundwork for a Marraige Equality Campaign has been laid out, now we need manpower.

If you'd like to be a part of the Marriage Equality Campaign fall quarter, we IMPLORE you to subscribe to the following list:

A number of other Stanford student groups have already expressed interest in collaborating with QSA and members of the LGBT community to defeat Prop 8. We invite anyone (You don't have to be Californian, and you don't have to be LGBT) and any organization, whether they're in the community or not, to JOIN US.

We'll send updated information about our plans over the list. We need ideas, volunteers, publicity, phonebank-ers and a collective/collaborative effort in order to Protect the Freedom to Marry. Right now we especially need dorm/house representatives. If you can do this, please respond with the name of your house or dorm for this fall.


-Marriage Equality Coalition

Equality For All comes to Stanford

Chris and Trina from VoteNoOn8/Equality For All come to Stanford. The Coalition begins to work closely with the No on 8 statewide campaign and prepares plans for a dorm captain network.

Stanford Democrats and ACLU join Marriage Equality Campaign 8/8/08

The Coalition is Formed

Subscribe to the Marriage Equality Email list here