Marriage Equality Meeting 9/25/08
Important details below:
Activities Fair:
1. THANK YOU LAURA for helping us plan this!
2. 700 balloons in rainbow colors that will say "Just Married"
3. Volunteers will walk around talking about Prop 4 and Prop 8
4. We will hand out balloons to supporters
5. We Need VOLUNTEERS!!!!!!
i. Laura is only available until 2PM
ii. 9-12 will be blowing up balloons with helium tank
1. Meet at Women's Center
iii. Kriti is available from 12-3
iv. Jamie will help blow up balloons until 11:30AM
v. Autumn can help until 10AM
vi. Greg is only available from 12-2
3. STAMP: Stanford Theatre Activist Mobilization Project Discussion
4. First Meeting/Campaign Kickoff 7-9PM Wednesday Oct. 1st
1. Try for Tresidder??
i. Kriti will find out about Tresidder tomorrow
ii. GradQ or QSA to reserve space?
2. Introduction (20 min.)
i. Greg talks about Prop 8
ii. Emily talks about Prop 4
3. Tables/stations at the kickoff:
i. Talk about STAMP Guerilla Project, Recruitment - Amanda
ii. Dorm Storm/Dorm Captains – Jamie, Charlie, Erik
1. Wilbur, Stern, Branner, Flomo? what else?
iii. Voter Contact Events – Kriti
iv. Making Signs – Laura
v. General Information - Greg
5. Phone Bank- October Saturday 1-4PM
1. Prop 4 - Women's Center
2. Prop 8 – Terra Lounge
3. Who will order food for each phone bank
4. Money for food/reimbursements from the center through an ASSU account?
5. Locations secured for each phone bank
Stanford Dems will take care of LGBT Issue Week next week
Week of October 6th: Photo exhibit
Week of 13th will be STAMP
6. Guerilla Theatre to publicize issues
i. In classrooms
ii. Covered by reporter from Daily and then emailed out afterwards
7. A creative way to get the message out about Prop 4 and 8
8. Prop 8:
i. Create a moment of joy to involve people
ii. Series of marriage proposals in lectures on-campus, in cafes
1. some straight and some gay
2. use LGBT-PALS online database of lgbt-supportive professors
3. get covered in the Daily
9. We would have to contact professors
i. STAMP will keep track of the schedule, assign people to different classes
ii. Monday AND Tuesday
iii. They will write up a template script
iv. Do an orientation the weekend before
6. Prop 4
1. Maze for a young woman trying to get an abortion
7. October 13th 14th
1. Sunday October 12th plan an orientation with the actors
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