Leaders rally students to the polls
Approximately 200 students gathered outside Old Union on Monday afternoon at an event intended to rally the campus in favor of Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama and in opposition to Proposition 8, a state constitutional amendment that would eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California.
Speakers at the event included San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, Stanford Law Professor Larry Marshall and former State Controller Steve Westly ‘78.
Newsom speaks against Prop. 8
San Francisco mayor addresses gay marriage, importance of vote
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Faculty petition against Prop. 8
In today’s election, Californian voters will vote on Proposition 8, a measure that eliminate the right to marry for same-sex couples. As of last night, 1,394 Stanford faculty and staff have taken a stand against the ballot initiative through an online petition that has circulated the Stanford campus.
Down to the wire
Students work nonstop to rally the community on Props. 4 & 8
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Op-Ed: Proposition 4 protects no one, endangers many
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