This is the civil rights issue of our generation. And November 4th will be the most important day in LGBTQ history since Stonewall.
From 12PM-8PM we will be uniting against Proposition 8 in a MEGAphonebank Extravaganza (lunch AND dinner AND really good food will be served). Come Join us! You don't need to stay the whole time. If you've never been to a voter contact event before, do not fear! There will be trainers there to walk you through the process throughout the day.
We cannot let ourselves come this close to victory without pulling through. We are in a DEAD HEAT with the opposition, so Stanford's contribution to the No on Prop 8 campaign will be what makes the difference. We will influence the outcome of this election and we will do it by working together to contact voters and getting them to vote NO on prop 8.
We Need You.
Come whenever you can on Saturday and stay for as long as you can. This will be our last Prop 8 event--our last opportunity to have any influence on the outcome before election day.
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