Petition for Faculty and Staff
Jay Lee's Email about Tabling
Event: Tuesday Phone Bank
Event: Rally with Yul Kwon et al
Stanford Daily Editorial Board
Event: Marriage Equality MEGA Phone Bank
Event: Marriage Equality Thank-You Celebration
T-Shirt Fundraising on Facebook
- Greg already has all email addresses and has a good website for setting it up
- Greg, Jamie, Amanda will come up with the text of the petition and send it out
- Matt will email people to say that it's up now!
- put it up!
- On average we're about 2-3 points behind, though it varies a lot
- Jamie: "We can't come this close to victory and not pull through"
- No matter what the polls say, we CAN'T be complacent!
Jay Lee's Email about Tabling
- Matt will resend to list incase anyone is interested
- Catch: "looking for things to do that aren't phone banking?"
- Dorm Captains have been relatively inactive; we need to add leadership to them (Jamie says Erik would be great, Laura is also amazing, Jeff has experience as dorm captain and is committed as well)
- New Dorm Captain leadership should help dorm captains to be aggressive!
- Fagan says tell them: "This is Sunday. You need to do THIS on each of these upcoming days."
- Give them a timeline/schedule! (based on my digest) - give them some STRUCTURE!!
- Jamie: "Emergency"
- Dorm Captain To Do for this week:
- forward along flyers and invite to Facebook events
- pester EVERYONE who got a shirt (pester them personally, also get their names/emails and forward along to Marriage Equality Core)
- pledge 3 people a day to come to our Mega Phone Bank
Event: Tuesday Phone Bank
- Location: Koret Pavilion
- Tuesday, October 28, 6-9pm (the usual)
Event: Rally with Yul Kwon et al
- Thursday the 30th, 12-1pm, White Plaza
- Featuring Yul Kwon, winner of Survivor and Stanford alum, and hopefully more speakersk
- Have a collection jar for our shirt fundraiser (don't phrase it as a "problem")
- Use the rest of the Just Married balloons!
- Laura needs to order us helium
- Greg needs to talk to Yul about logistics
- Is he going to talk about 4&8, or just 8?
- When's the best time for him to talk? (12? 12:30?)
- We should get more speakers besides Yul and the Marriage Equality Core
- Rabbi Mychal, - religious perspective
- Jonny should speak (introductory remarks, we as execs endorse this, not center stage!)
- Mariachi Girl: Jeff & Amanda
- Publicity:
- Matt will create a Facebook event as soon as more details arise (whether we have Red Mango, etc) and add to Stanford Events Calendar
- Jeff will add to other event calendars and contact Kirsti Copeland, Academic Director of Flomo (
- publicize on main events calendar - Kirsti Copeland kbc@
- Jonny and Fagan will email their press/publicity person about Palo Alto Daily/SJ Mercury
- We need a Remobilization Committee to be in charge to re-activate community involvementa and reach more students
- For the queer community
- For the community at large: all diversity groups and service groups, Greek community
- Jonny/Fagan are going to contact VSO's (diversity groups, service groups, Sigma Nu, all) involved with our Tues phone bank, Thurs Rally, and our Mega Phone Bank
- Remobilization Committee is meeting Sunday night, dinner from 6-7 and feed them
Stanford Daily Editorial Board
- No on 8 editorial Oct 30
Event: Marriage Equality MEGA Phone Bank
- Saturday, Nov 1, 12-8pm
- Location: hopefully Koret Pavilion, but may conflict with Saturday services. Otherwise WCC or Terra.
- Training will take place all day (one-on-one if necessary)
- Lunch and Dinner served
- Matt will create Facebook event and Flyer
- Create door signs "I saved gay marriage" for people who stayed the whole time, a la Dance Marathon: Matt will find someone to do this
- Greg will email Noah about KoPa's availability for Saturday
Event: Marriage Equality Thank-You Celebration
- Wednesday, November 5th
- 8-10pm @ Koret Pavilion
- Regardless of the results of the election, should be a lot like our kick-off event
- Conflicts with QSA meeting, but our main focus is allies/people who aren't normally involved with Queer events/activism
- Jamie: Karaoke
T-Shirt Fundraising on Facebook
- ChipIn not displaying correctly; Matt will write this on the event info; Greg will post updates to the wall
- Matt will keep pestering people (event guests and email lists)
- Dorm captains also need to pester people who have shirts
- Contacting alumni after election day for funds that we don’t raise
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