STAMP guerilla theatre in lecture halls across campus!

Today, students from STAMP and Vote No on Prop 8 and Prop 4 performed 12 marriage proposals across campus. The proposals were not real, but the emotions we felt while performing were. We hope you felt as strongly as we did as you watched.

We sought to create moments of joy that represent the beauty of marriage, an institution that we are fiercely fighting for. We hoped to show you, on a human level, what society has to lose if it bans same-sex marriage. Moments like the ones we all experienced today can be snatched away on November 4. Please don't let that happen.

If you were touched by what you witnessed or heard about today, please Vote No on Prop 8. Prop 8 would take away people's right to marry.

Look forward to more performances tomorrow and Wednesday. Perhaps you'll see us at a class or cafe. And if you do, we hope you enjoy the moment!