With 13 YES votes and 1 ABSTENTION, the Undergrad Senate takes a stand for equality!!!

Senate Resolution
To Support Marriage Equality for All Couples

Authors/ Sponsors: Yvorn "Doc" Aswad-Thomas, UG Senator
Ana Diaz-Hernandez, UG Senator

Date: Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Action Requested: Approval; requires a 2/3 majority vote

Whereas the California Supreme Court has unequivocally held that samesex couples have a constitutional right to marry under the California Constitution

Whereas Proposition 8 stands to overturn the aforementioned decision and eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry

Whereas this proposition has created a social movement on campus uniting students of all sexual orientations for the sake of marriage equality

Whereas the ASSU has championed civil rights issues regarding race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, political affiliation,

Whereas we hold that sexual orientation should be no exception

Whereas we acknowledge marriage equality as a Civil Rights issue and believe that marriage is an undeniable right

Whereas we call on Stanford students and the broader community to vote no on Proposition 8, which would take away this undeniable right from current and future students, faculty, staff

And we call on Stanford University to make a public statement against the proposition, as has been done in many California peer institutions

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Tenth Undergraduate Senate of the Associated Students of Stanford University acknowledges marriage equality as
civil rights issue and encourages the Stanford community to take action by voting No on California Proposition 8.